DVFD responded to 15 calls for service during the month of October 2023.

10-04 S Idaho CO Alarm
10-04 I-15Overpass Traffic Control
10-05 E Center Fire Alarm
10-10 Mountain View Rd Gas Odor
10-11 Galligher Peak Vehicle Fire
10-12 N Montana St Fire Alarm
10-16 N Montana St Gas Odor
10-17 Kentucky Ave Ambulance Assist
10-18 W Helena St Fuel Spill
10-21 S. Atlantic St Gas Leak
10-23 Birch Ck Vehicle Accident
10-24 Vista Dr Ambulance Assist
10-25 I-15 MM 37 Vehicle Accident
10-26 W Helena St Animal Assist
10-27 I-15 MM 81 Vehicle Accident

October was fire safety month. Our members read to children at the public library,
visited local daycares as well as had the first-grade students tour the firehall.
Our focus on training for the month was vehicle extrication. We also had firefighters
complete the ICS-300 class as well as Haz-Mat classes. Our drill night was spent
focusing on various hose lays on our apparatus. Thank you for your continued support of
the Dillon Volunteer Fire Department.
Please be safe & take extra time while traveling this time of year as the road conditions
can become dangerous without warning.
