The Dillon City Council will hold a hearing on June 2, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 125 N. Idaho, Dillon, Montana to take public comment on the proposed increase in water rates described below.

The proposed water rate increase is to pay for improvements to the City’s water system, including the replacement of two existing cast-iron transmission mains with 5,500 linear feet of new water transmission main that crosses below the Beaverhead River and replacing approximately 7,000 linear feet of existing water mains in the City (the “Project”). On May 5, 2021, the City Council passed its Resolution No. 1384 of Intention to Increase Water Rates to pay the City’s $3,776,000 Series 2021 Water Revenue Bond to help fund the Project.

The City proposes to increase water rates by $12.00 per month for each Equivalent Dwelling Unit (“EDU”) times the EDU multiplier based on water service size as described below. The proposed effective date of the new rates is July 1, 2021.
Proposed Water Rate Increase to pay for the Series 2021 Water Revenue Bond:
Water Service Size
EDU Multiplier
Monthly Increase
1/2, 5/8 and 3/4 inch
1 inch
1 1/2 inch
2 inch
3 inch
4 inch
Any person desiring to comment on the proposed rate increase may make their comments in writing and file them with the City Clerk at or prior to the date of the hearing, or appear at the meeting in person or by representative, and be heard for or against the proposed rate increase. At the hearing, and at the times to which the hearing may be adjourned, the Council will consider the propose rate increase and may correct, revise, raise, lower, change or modify the proposed rate increase or any part thereof.
For further information regarding the hearing or to review Resolution No. 1384, contact Jani Olsen, City Clerk at City Hall, 125 N. Idaho Street, Dillon, Montana, or by telephone (406) 683-4245.
Jani Olsen, City Clerk