During a press conference, Governor Gianforte announced they will be repealing and amending the current 25-page directive to a more simplified 3-page directive.

Starting Friday, January 15th, 2021, they will be lifting the current mandates that force bars, restaurants, breweries, and other businesses to close at 10 P.M.
Gianforte stated:
"We can reduce the burden on our small business owners while simultaneously protecting the health of Montana workers and customers. These two are not mutually exclusive."

In the press conference Gianforte stated that 42,000 Montanans have received the first dose of the COVID vaccine, and communities are preparing for phase 1B to begin the week of January 18th. When asked about the age of 70 and older for the 1B phase, he stated it was to protect those most vulnerable, as 75% of COVID deaths in Montana have been from people in the 70 plus age range.