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Ghost And Goblins Take Over Downtown Dillon

Saturday was a busy day for Dillon, the morning kicked off with the 5th annual Run The Boo Race hosted by the Montana Running Company. The race included a 10k, 5k, and a kids race. Participants were encouraged to wear costumes while they ran.

The 10K started at the Sleepy Hollow Ranch. The 5K started at the Paffhausen Farm, and the kids race started and finished at Beaverhead Brewing. Asher Burch placed first in the 5K. Followed up by Jacob Harvey and Colton Yoakum. In the 5K ladies Faye Holland was first with Abbi Lemelin coming in second and Laura Martin placing third. The 10 K results for the men are Caylon Yellow Robe first place, Corbin Greene in second, and Connor Steward in third. The ladies top three are Mandy Dearborn first, Krystin Slater second, and Kathy Lentz in third.

The UMW Football team took on the MSU Northern Lights that story can be found here.

The streets of Dillon were then transformed for Fall Fest. Trick or Treaters gathered in mass to walk up and down Idaho street and adjacent streets in search of candy and prizes. Businesses handed out goodies as participants took turns playing carnival like games. The library was transformed into a haunted house and clicked as people dared to venture through the doors. At the end of the day they recorded 696 clicks. The Metlen Hotel was a place for the brave to venture into as well as they hosted a haunted tour. DRM Motors parking lot and cars were transformed into a trunk or treat for those needing even more candy. Later in the evening the Dillon Montana Community Foundation hosted a 21 and older ladies night ride. Ladies dressed in their finest most witchiest costume and flew throughout the town. The Old Depot Theater hosted the movie Hocus Pocus 2.

If you missed out on Saturday's fun there is still plenty to do the next couple of days. Tonight Be The Change 406 will be hosting a drive in movie night behind Town and Country Foods. The Witches Brigade will meet at the depot Park at 6 P.M. all ages and gender are welcome. Also don't forget The Beaverhead Maze and Pumpkin Patch is holding a haunted maze.

On Monday Halloween Day you can stop by R.E. Miller & Sons for the costume contest they are hosting. Sugar Fest will be held at the old Wells Fargo Building hosted by the DA Church and Love Inc. as well as KDBM/KBEV costume contest to win a $100 gift certificate to Town and Country Foods.

Run The Boo Participants coming closer to the finish line.

Celebrating Fall fest with a cup of coffee

DRM Motors Trunk or Treat

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