To highlight the importance of wetland conservation, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is launching a new Migratory Bird Stamp.
“We know the value of wetland habitat to the landscape in Montana and conservation efforts to protect or enhance these habitats has gone on for decades,” said FWP Director Dustin Temple. “But we can do more. FWP, along with the help of landowners and other conservation partners, is putting a renewed emphasis on wetlands habitat.”

The complimentary new Migratory Bird Stamp will help raise additional awareness and appreciation for wetlands and the migratory bird species that directly benefit from them. The stamp also signifies a renewed emphasis and focus by FWP on wetland habitat. Promoting the new Migratory Bird Stamp will provide ongoing opportunities to highlight the importance of wetlands to wildlife and working lands.
The 2024 Montana Migratory Bird Stamp will kick off with a contest to select a piece of art to display for the 2024 stamp. Entries can be submitted from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31. The Wetlands Protection Advisory Council will select the winning piece of art in January.
Details on contest rules and entry information can be found here. The winning artist will receive a $2,000 cash prize and be featured on promotional materials throughout 2024.
Wetlands are critical for many wildlife and aquatic species, as well providing critical ecosystem functions like flood control, groundwater recharge and water purification. FWP’s Migratory Bird Wetland Program helps landowners and other conservation partners develop and fund projects that protect, conserve, enhance or create high-quality wetland habitat.

The 2024 Migratory Bird Stamp will not be required to hunt migratory birds in Montana. To hunt migratory birds, hunters will need a current Montana migratory bird license and their federal duck stamp, the same as in years past.
However, beginning in 2024 those who purchase a migratory bird license will receive a free collectable sticker showing the winning artwork, information about the Migratory Bird Wetland Program and information about how to make additional contributions. Purchasing a migratory bird license is a great way to support wetland habitat conservation. FWP will work with the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation to provide other ways to help support wetlands conservation. More information will be provided on donation opportunities in the coming months.

“We’ll continue to work with the council, conservation organizations and landowner partners,” said Temple. “But the need for conserving this critical habitat is growing. Intact wetlands are critical for wildlife and landowners alike. Everyone can participate in restoring and conserving these vital areas.”