The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Aug. 25 in person at the State Capitol in room 317. The meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.
The meeting will be streamed live on the FWP website and broadcast through MPAN, YouTube, and Zoom. The commission will take public comment on agenda items in person and via Zoom. To make a comment via Zoom, you must register on the FWP website. A link to register will be available between noon on Aug. 17 and noon on Aug. 24. The public will also be able to comment in person at the meeting or at any FWP regional office.
The commission will make final decisions on the following:

Director’s Office
Pheasant releases for FWP’s retention, recruitment, and reactivation efforts
Parks and Outdoor Recreation
Amend ARM 12. 11. 6705 extending implementation date of Madison River Commercial Use Cap
Classification review committee’s recommendation on classifying caracal cats as a prohibited species
Final adoption of motorized boating restrictions on the Boulder River as proposed by the Boulder River Citizen Advisory Committee

Selection of organizations to auction 2023 moose, sheep, goat, mule deer and elk licenses
Future Fisheries Improvement Program decision on funding proposed projects from the Future Fisheries Review Panel
Amend Angling Restriction and Fishing Closure Administrative Rules, 12.5.507 and 12.5.508
Land and Water
Big Snowy Mountains WMA Land Project, Region 5
Cornell Park Fishing Access Site Acquisition, Region 3
Sha Ron FAS Site MDT Recreation Permit, Region 2
Fall 2022–Winter 2023 furbearer and wolf trapping and hunting seasons and quotas
Approval of request to translocate sage-grouse to Alberta, Canada, in 2023
Nongame tax check-off workplan
Programmatic Approval of Habitat Conservation Lease Agreements
Amendments to ARM 12.9.1403 Grizzly Bear Demographic Objective for the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem

The commission will also hear a drought update.
FWP ensures its meetings are fully accessible to those with special needs. To request arrangements, call FWP at 406-444-3186.
For the full agenda, background on the scheduled topics and public comments, go to the Fish and Wildlife Commission page on the FWP website.
FWP’s website offers live streamed audio of each Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting.