On Friday, June 30th the Dillon Jaycees hosted a Pitch, Hit, and Run challenge for boys and girls ages 7-14. Presented by MLB Network, kids compete in hitting, pitching, and a timed running event. Those who place can earn a chance to go onto the finals during the World Series.

Those competing took turns showing off their batting skills, pitching skills, and running skills hoping to place in the top three. Some age groups did not have enough participants for a top three but those who placed are as follows:
Baseball boys 7/8: Jordan Carr-1st Dax Borjas-2nd Isaac Rasch-3rd Baseball Boys 9/10: Austin Blando-1st Jaxon Nagle-2nd Colton Bartlome-3rd Baseball Boys 13/14: Tayden Buhr-1st Softball Girls 7/8: Lizzy Davidson-1st Softball Girls 9/10: Mercedes Lentz-1st Kenzie Ferguson-2nd Softball Girls 11/12: Taylor Graham-1st
