Construction Look Ahead:
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), Helena Sand and Gravel, and Riverside Contracting Inc. anticipate working on the following, weather permitting:
Week of July 17:
Crews continue to pave and will smooth the surface afterwards.
Median placement on Helena Avenue is scheduled to be completed by early in the week. The concrete median will be a red brick pattern and have no landscaping.
Milling and paving continues on Interstate 15 (I 15) with single-lane closures and traffic control in place.
Be prepared for delays before you leave, download MDT’s mobile app “MDT 511” or visit 511mt.net and check your route. If you're driving and want to check in, pull safely off the road and dial 511. Tune in to local radio stations and watch for variable message signs along the route.
100 Deadliest Days: A Reminder to Stay Safe and Vigilant in Your Summer Travels
For many Montanans, Memorial Day weekend kicks off the start of summer travel, culminating with Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately, these summer months can also be some of the deadliest on Montana’s roads due to increased motor vehicle crashes. This period is known nationally as the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer,” and has historically represented an increase in crashes and crash fatalities on our roadways due to greater traffic volumes and clear travel conditions that lower drivers’ guards. Before you make plans to travel this summer, commit to safe, lawful behavior and remain vigilant in sharing Montana’s roadways with all system users. Never operate a motor vehicle while impaired. If you’re driving a vehicle, buckle up before you go and insist your friends and family do the same. Using your seat belt is your best defense against serious injury or death in the event you’re in a crash. This is a Vision Zero Message from the Montana Department of Transportation. Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero here: https://www.mdt.mt.gov/visionzero/
