Construction coming to Dillon. Stay in the know!
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1-2-week outlooks
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Project map
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Fun facts
Joke of the week: Did you hear the amazing story about the blind construction worker? (Watch for the punchline in the next email.)

Construction Look Ahead:
The Montana Department of Transportation and Helena Sand and Gravel expect to start working downtown on sidewalks beginning the week of April 17 weather dependent. Pavement work in this area is not expected to begin until June. Locations and traffic impacts will be available later this month.
The Montana Department of Transportation and Riverside Contracting, Inc. anticipate starting work on I 15 mid-May. This includes the north interchange in Dillon, continuing north for nearly 12 miles to Apex. The north interchange is expected to be closed for about a week, although exact dates are not yet known. Traffic impacts and closure will also be available at a later date. Refer to the project map at the bottom for project areas.

Ways to connect and where we’re posting:
Email updates: Email Laura laura.langdon@kljeng.com
Text updates: text DILLON to 844-764-2126
Chamber and Council meetings
Sidewalk signs downtown
Project hotline: 406-447-3354
NextDoor posts by MDT
Facebook ads
Ads on FM radio: 98.3, 92.5, 94.7, 97.7, and 94.1
Ads on major radio streaming services
Be prepared for delays before you leave, download MDT’s mobile app “MDT 511” or visit 511mt.net and check your route. If you're driving and want to check in, pull safely off the road and dial 511. Tune in to local radio stations and watch for variable message signs along the route.
️National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 17-21 and the theme is "You play a role in work zone safety. Work with us.” We can all do our part to make the work zone a safer place. MDT, Helena Sand and Gravel, and Riverside Contracting want to remind drivers to go slow, keep safe distances, and stay alert.

Did you know in 2022 there were 113 work zone crashes?
26% of Crashes resulted in injuries.
64% of Crashes happened during clear weather conditions
2 fatalities in work zones 0 involving workers.
57% of crashes took place where a worker was present
