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City of Dillon Parks Committee is Seeking Input on Dan Ibey Memorial Park

The City of Dillon Parks Committee is seeking input from people living in Mountain View Subdivision (Ibeyville), close to DAN IBEY MEMORIAL PARK- and all people living in Dillon who have an interest in our parks. If the Ibeyville Park is repaired and upgraded, what is your vision for the park in the future? Below is a link to a short survey. Please take a few moments to let us know your thoughts. We will be running the survey until March 15, 2021 and would greatly appreciate your ideas.

DAN IBEY MEMORIAL PARK (located at the corner of Sunrise St. & Noble Ave). Please click the link below to answer a few questions about the future planning and renovation of the Dan Ibey Memorial Park - informally known as Ibeyville Park. Thank you, The Dillon Parks Committee

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