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Alder Creek, Trail Creek, & Sand Lake Fire Update 09/09/2021

TRAIL CREEK FIRE: Size 47,472 Acres 58% Contained

A Red Flag Warning is expected to continue today. Extreme fire behavior with large

group tree torching and long-range spotting is expected. Winds are predicted to be 30+

mph along with slightly lower temperatures than yesterday. Humidity remains at critical


Yesterday, aerial resources used retardant along the southwest flank above Gibbonsville.

Hand crews worked along side aircraft creating a fuel break from the ridge to Forest

Service Road 079. Additional hand crews will assist in improving the line throughout the

day today. Structure protection group in Ruby Creek and Rabbit Creek continued to

support the sprinkler and hose lay around the structures.

The fire remained active throughout the day yesterday and similar fire behavior is

expected to continue through out the day today, creating difficult conditions for

firefighters and aircraft.

ALDER CREEK FIRE: Size 32,767 Acres 24% Contained

The Alder Creek and Christensen fires have merged and will now be reported as the

Alder Creek Fire. Additional resources are expected to arrive over the next several days.

Red Flag Warning is expected to continue today. This will create difficult conditions for

firefighters and aircraft.

Once the smoke cleared yesterday, fire activity increased in Bryant Creek yesterday. The

fire made a push to the north yesterday, driven by the weather conditions. A hotshot

crew and heavy equipment move to the area to help create containment lines and slow

fire progression. Heat and activity increase to the western side of the fire, near Highway


SAND LAKE FIRE: Size 218 Acres 0% Contained

The fire is established and active, growth is minimal, moving slowly along the side of the

mountain. Crews will continue to monitor the fire and evaluate values at risk.


Red Flag Warnings are expected to continue. Extreme fire behavior with large group tree

torching and long-range spotting greater than 1 mile are predicted. Winds will be 30+

mph from the southwest/west combined near record temps and low humidity’s are

expected. Fire will continue to back towards Anderson Creek and Gibbonsville.


Highway 43 and the Pioneer Scenic Byway are open to through traffic. Watch for

increased traffic, school has started in the local communities and hunting season is



Portions of the Continental Divide Trail remain closed. The Big Hole National Battlefield

is closed until further notice. May Creek Campground is closed.

Closure orders remain in effect on the Salmon-Challis National Forests, the Beaverhead-

Deerlodge National Forest, and the Bureau of Land Management. View the updated

closure orders on the respective agency websites and the fires' Inciweb pages.

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