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Alder Creek, Trail Creek, Christensen, and Black Mountain Fire Update

Alder Creek

Alder Creek Size: 9,676 Acres

Containment: 10%

Total personnel: 278

Alder Creek Fire: Beginning today, July 31, 2021 at 8:00am, the Stage 2 evacuations for the residents of Alder Creek will be reduced to Stage 1. Humidity will continue to trend upward today. However, temperatures are expected to rise and winds may gust over 15 mph for the first time on this fire. Crews will prepare structures in Bear Gulch, along Highway 43 and west of Highway 73, improve containment lines, and continue firing operations near Bryant Creek. Firefighters will support efforts to repopulate the Alder Creek area residences.


Size: 5,442 Acres

Containment: 0%

Total personnel: 18

Christensen Fire: Humidity will trend upward a few percent with warmer temperatures and drier conditions. Winds will turn southeast and gust 15-20 mph in the late afternoon. There is a 40% chance of thunderstorms in the area tomorrow. Firefighters will continue to identify potential control lines using old roads, creeks, and previous fire scars and also evaluate the probability of success of aerial ignitions in Stine Creek for use in the upcoming days. Engine crews will continue structure contingency planning for private homes along Hwy 43 corridor and indirect line on the southern end of the fire to Pattengail Creek.

Trail Creek

Size: 34,244 Acres

Containment: 0%

Total personnel: 191

Trail Creek Fire: Saturday will bring higher humidity with similar temperatures to the previous day. Winds will shift southeast and gust to 15-20 mph with a 40% chance of thunderstorms. Crews are working on line prep from Lost Trail to Rat Creek as well as utilizing previously prepared fuels treatments along the Gibbonsville Road to check and hold any potential fire movement in that direction. Heavy equipment are working on the west side to connect fuel breaks and the Structure Group will improve sprinkler systems. Firefighters remain available for Initial Attack responsibilities as needed.

Black Mountain

Size: 1,021 Acres

Containment: 0%

Total personnel: 78

Black Mountain Fire: Higher humidities and thunderstorms are expected within the fire area today. Crews will prep indirect line from Skinner Meadows to Bloody Dick Road and patrol the fire perimeter

Weather: Today will bring higher humidities and slightly warmer temperatures around the fire areas. Wind gusts of 15-20 mph are expected in some areas and thunderstorms are expected.

Major Closures:

  • Hwy 43 and Pioneer Byway remain open. Motorists are asked to slow down and be on the alert for firefighters, heavy smoke, and downed trees. Please check the Montana DOT Road Report website for current conditions.

  • Continental Divide Trail: Closed from Lemhi Pass north to Mussigbrod Creek. -Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice. North and South VanHouten, Miner Lakes, Twin Lakes, May Creek and Divide Bridge Campgrounds are closed.

  • Forest Closure orders are in effect for all three fires.

  • Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF: Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF

  • Closures Salmon-Challis NF: Salmon-Challis NF Closures

Smoke: Montana air quality alert for Beaverhead County:

Idaho air pollution forecast for Lemhi County:

Stage 2 Fire Restrictions are in effect for SW Montana:

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect for Central ID: -restrictions-finder/

Evacuations: Beaverhead County Sheriff has Stage 1 Evacuation Orders in effect for Alder Creek Community, Southside of Hwy 43 from Alder Creek Road to Dickie Bridge, and the westside of Pioneer Scenic Byway from airport to Harriet Lou Road Beaverhead Sheriff.

Lemhi County Sheriff has contacted residences in threatened areas on the west side of the Trail Creek Fire in Idaho and placed in “Set” evacuation status. Info: 208-756-8980.

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