Alder Creek
Current Size: 8,347 Acres
Current Containment: 10%
Resources Assigned:
Total personnel: 378
Engines: 15
Hand crews: 6

Alder Creek Fire: Fire activity picked up Sunday due to high winds and low
humidity. The fire was active in the Alder Creek and Deno Creek drainages. On
Monday, crews will continue to focus efforts in the Alder Creek and Deno Creek
areas by improving containment lines and utilizing strategic fire operations when
necessary. Engines will continue to patrol and support structure protection.
Evacuations: On Sunday, the Beaverhead County Sheriff's Office issued a Stage 2
Evacuation Order for residences on southwest side of Hwy 43 from Alder Creek
Road north to Dickie Bridge. All other existing evacuations will remain in effect.
More info on the stages of evacuation:
Trail Creek
Current Size: 31,124 Acres
Current Containment: 0%
Resources Assigned:
Total personnel: 147
Engines: 4
Hand Crews: 4
Trail Creek Fire: Fire activity increased on Sunday. The fire worked its way up to
the Continental Divide, with approximately 15 acres slopping over to the Idaho
side. On Monday, crews will be working along the Continental Divide to address
this slop over and improve control lines. North of Hwy 43, firefighters will
continue to enhance the Lost Trail Rd and ensure the Big Hole Battlefield and
communication tower are secure.

Current Size: 4,070 Acres
Current Containment: 0%
Resources Assigned:
Total personnel: 13
Engines: 3
Hand Crews:
Christensen Fire: The Christensen Fire was active on Sunday with some uphill runs
accompanied by long range spotting. The fire continues to push to the east.
Firefighters will continue to identify potential control lines using old roads, creeks,
and previous fire scars. Fire growth to the north remains minimal and the fire is
still several miles from the Hwy 43 corridor. The Pattengail Creek fire scar is
minimizing fire growth to the south.
Weather: High pressure will bring continued hot and dry conditions on Monday.
Temperatures will reach mid to upper 80’s with relative humidity dropping to 10-
15%. West winds decrease slightly today and will be 5-10 MPH. Monsoonal
moisture will begin to stream across the area Tuesday into the rest of the week.
This will lead to increasing RH as well as better coverage of thunderstorms.

Major Closures:
• Hwy 43 remains open. Motorists are asked to slow down and be on the alert
for firefighters, heavy smoke, and downed trees. Please check the Montana
DOT Road Report website: for current status.
• Continental Divide Trail: Closed from Lemhi Pass north to Schultz.
• Big Hole National Battlefield is closed until further notice. North and South Van
Houten, Miner Lakes, Twin Lakes and May Creek Campgrounds are closed.
• Forest Closure orders are in effect for all three fires. Visit the Closure Section
on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF and Salmon-Challis NF websites for specifics.

Stage 2 Fire Restrictions:
Interagency fire management officials in southwestern Montana enacted
Stage II fire restrictions at midnight, Friday, July 23, 2021. Up to date fire
restriction information and a web-based map can be found at:
